Take control of your herbicide applications
Keep your sprayer on target with the industry's only crop type and trait sharing tool, the Drift App.

Made by Farmers
Introducing the Drift App
Drift App organizes seed trait information in your fields and neighboring fields in order to mitigate potential spray drift damage each season. The app takes the guesswork out of when and where to spray by auto-generating the Spray Planner “to-do list”. The Spray Planner displays your fields in order of Sprayability Index, which factors in current weather conditions, seed trait/herbicide compatibilities in your fields and surrounding fields, as well as nozzle pressure and size. Our mission is to give growers and applicators an easy-to-use tool to manage spray operations, so that we can spray more herbicide on-target, keeping our fields clean and protecting our traits from regulation in the future.
1. Record A map based platform allows you to easily record your crop types and traits.
2. Share Our platform automatically shares your crop types and traits with the adjacent field operators, eliminating all those phone calls.
3. Spray Visualize the current potential drift pattern and surrounding sensitive crops to minimize off-target drift damage.
4. Report Quickly print out a report showing the weather, potential drift pattern, and surrounding crop types and traits at the time of spraying.
Simple, Efficient, and Effective
The Features of the Drift App.
The Spray Planner
- The Spray Planner is a 4-day forecast that lists your fields according to the sprayability index or nearest distance. Current weather conditions, seed traits planted, and off-target drift acres are shown.
Visual Drift Patterns
- With the map view, current potential drift patterns and adjacent seed traits can be visualized easily.
Automatic Adjacent Field Identification
- Put in your field boundaries and our system automatically finds adjacent fields so you can label the crop types and traits with ease.
Application Summary Reports
- Print a report displaying adjacent field crop types and traits, weather conditions, and sprayer setup at the time of application.
See for yourself
Drift App Screenshots
The Spray Planner
- Prioritize what fields to spray. Our sprayability index will help minimize the potenial of spray drift damage.
- View the current weather conditions.
- Sort by nearest distance or Sprayability to maximize efficiency.
The Map View
- See field badges showing crop types and traits of yours and surrounding fields.
- Visually see the current potential drift pattern.
- See on-target and off-target adjacent fields according to what you are currently spraying.
Sprayer Setup
- Select the herbicide or tank mix you are spraying.
- Enter your pump pressure and nozzle size for more accurate visual drift patterns.
Settings Page
- Filter crop types and traits for faster input.
- Filter herbicides and create tank mixes.
- Take control of your share settings.
- Reset your fields the next season.
More Bang for your buck
The Benefits of the Drift App.
Eliminate Paper Maps
- No more paper maps. Store all your field trait information in a digital platform. Bring them up when and wherever you need them on your mobile devices.
Reduce Impact of Drift
- Using the Sprayability Index helps reduce the potential of herbicide drift, reducing the impact on the bordering crop and the environment.
Save Time and Money
- No more cross-checking weather apps and paper maps! With the Drift App you will know when and where to maximize your spraying efficiency. With EPA and state mandated deadlines, make everyday count during your spray season.
Share with Neighbors
- All field herbicide trait information is automatically shared with neighboring accounts.
Reduce Insurance Claims
- The Drift App helps to mitigate off-target spray therefore limiting the potential of insurance drift claims with your neighboring farmers.
Protect Our Traits
- Herbicide seed traits are important to us all. Use a tool to minimize drift impact and help protect our herbicides from regulations.
No matter your size, we have an afforable plan.
Pricing for all size operations, from small growers to large retailers.
Free Trial
Try a free trial today. Upgrade to the full version at anytime.
One Farm
One Field
Limited Support
Fully Functional
PRO Version
Packages for operations of all sizes. The best value in agriculture, cheaper than small insurance claim.
Multiple Farms
Multiple Fields
Full Support
Ag Retailer Sharing
Ag Retailers
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Our Team
A company made up of farmers to create practical tools for farmers.....well, except Jen.
Erik Johnson
Accounts Manager
Ph: 507-525-2507
We're here to help.
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Get in touch
General Questions
- info@ditchdrift.com
- Phone number
Sales Inquiries
- jmccarty(at)ditchdrift.com
- Phone number
- +1(904)-838-5475
Media Requests
- jmccarty(at)ditchdrift.com
- Phone number
- +1(904)-838-5475
Integration Inquries
- tgolly(at)ditchdrift.com
- Phone number
Winnebago, MN 56098
Monticello, IL 61856
Nashville, TN 37203